Mr. Lay Krisnan Cahya

Mr. Lay Krisnan Cahya was appointed as a non-Executive Director and Non-Executive Chairman on 20 April 2015 following the completion of the acquisition of 66.9998% equity interest in the share capital of PT Golden Energy Mines Tbk (“GEMS“) from PT Dian Swastatika Sentosa Tbk (“DSS“) (“DSS Completion“).
Mr. Cahya is a member of both the Audit Committee and Nominating Committee. Except as provided below, Mr. Cahya does not have any relationship including immediate family relationship with the Directors or the Company as defined in the Code of Corporate Governance 2012 (“Code“). Mr. Cahya was re-elected to the Board on 30 April 2018.

Mr. Cahya has over 30 years working experience in banking and corporate. He is currently the President Director of DSS and President Commissioner of GEMS.

Mr. Cahya graduated with a Bachelor of Economics (Accounting) from Tarumanagara University, Indonesia in 1986.
